00966580930735 - 00966556764224

about us

Ahmed Al Feda Lawyers and Legal Consultants office is considered one of the most prominent law firms, which included a distinguished work team with high academic qualifications in addition to the diversity of its experiences (dozens of lawyers and consultants) and a distinguished work team to follow up and coordinate the work of our clients. Since the beginning of the practice of the legal activity, the office has sought to form a team of lawyers Specialists in consulting companies, government and economic sectors. And because we are aware of the development of the commercial sector with economic activity and its dependence on relationships at an international level that are subject in details to different laws and regulations, we have sought to attract distinguished technical cadres to cover all legal aspects of the precise applications of corporate operations, in order to advise our clients with the best opinions on their various projects.
A team of lawyers specialized in commercial, real estate, corporate, finance and labor regulations. Extensive experience in managing cases and representing clients in all types of competent quasi-judicial courts, commissions and committees. - Collect the amounts owed to you, whether in the governmental or private sectors, through negotiations, settlements and friendly understandings. - Unloading a ready core team consisting of experienced consultants who are able to accomplish the tasks assigned to them by your company. A wide variety of clients as we have advised project companies, founding shareholders, franchising authorities, banks and financiers, providing unique and in-depth insight into each party's requirements. - Commercial arbitration service in disputes where the presence of a legal arbitrator is required, given that the office includes a cadre of legal arbitrators accredited to the Ministry of Justice. The ability to use Arabic, English and French. The lawyers assigned to the assignment will play a direct role and participate in all aspects of our advice. Thinking in a commercial and practical way while providing legal advice that takes into account the client's interest and takes into account his financial policies and business vision. Vision Gathering individual skills, experiences and competencies within a distinguished work team to provide a diverse and integrated amount of legal services. goals Ahmed Al Feda's office looks forward to achieving beyond customer satisfaction, which is the focus of his attention, so we seek to establish a distinctive and unique customer experience and to consolidate our relationship with our current customers and attract new customers.

legal field

  • التنفيذ




    تولي قضايا التنفيذ ، التنفيذ، تنفيذ الأحكام ، تنفيذ الأوراق التجارية ، تنفيذ السند لأمر ، تنفيذ كمبيالة ، تنفيذ شيك ، تنفيذ عقد الايجار

  • جنائية




    لدينا قسم خاص بالقضايا الجنائية

  • المالية




    الخبرة في المطالبات المالية وتحصيل الديون و والمطالبات المالية والتحصيل

  • العقود




    صياغة العقود ، صياغة اتفاقية ، صياغة مذكرة التفاهم ، صياغة عقود الفرنشايز - عقود استخدام العلامة التجارية ، عقد الايجار ، عقد مقاولات ، عقد بيع ، عقد شراء ، عقد عقاري ، عقد التمويل والاستثمار ، كتابة العقود والمراجعة عليها وتدقيق العقود وصياغة الاتفاقيات

  • الشركات




    عقد تأسيس الشركات ، تأسيس الشركات السعودية ، تأسيس الشركات الأجنبية ، والاستثمار الأجنبي داخل السعودية ، عقد محاصة ، تأسيس شركات المحاصة والمساهمة وذات المسؤولية المحدودة والقابضة

  • عمالية




    محامي عمالي ، المحكمة العمالية ، التسوية الودية ، محامي خبرة في القضايا العمالية ، والمطالبة بالمستحقات العمالية

  • استشارات




    محامي ومستشار قانوني ، استشارات شركات ، استشارات عمالية ، استشارات ، استشارة قانونية مكتوبة ، استشارة هاتفية ، استشارة قانونية مكتوبة

  • تجارية




    محامي تجاري متخصص في القضايا التجارية وقضايا الشركات تقديم قضية تجارية هي تخصصنا الأول استشارات تجارية ، استشارات القضايا التجارية والقضاية المطالبات وعقود التجارية الأوراق التجارية ، صياغة الأوراق التجارية ، تنفيذ الأوراق التجارية ، رفع قضايا الأوراق التجارية

  • Legal advice and contract drafting

    Legal advice and contract drafting

    Legal advice and contract drafting

    Legal advice and contract drafting

    We answer all legal and legal inquiries, prepare and review all types of contracts concluded or to be concluded with others. We also formulate, review, audit and examine various legal and legal documents, represent you to all parties, prepare work organization regulations and internal sanctions regulations for employees, provide support and legal and legal opinion, and attend private negotiations Concluding agreements and contracts with others.

  • Pleading and issues

    Pleading and issues

    Pleading and issues

    Pleading and issues

    We represent our clients and plead for them in all cases of interest to the client or in which he is a party and at all stages of the lawsuit before the litigation authorities, court sessions, all courts, investigation bodies, Sharia courts of various degrees, the Board of Grievances, the Labor Office, labor bodies of all levels, the Office for the Resolution of Commercial Paper Disputes, and the Committees Specialized in Banking Disputes .

  • Legal Training Services

    Legal Training Services

    Legal Training Services

    Legal Training Services

    Our team actively participated in drafting (Lawyers Training Regulation) in cooperation with the Ministry of Justice. Accordingly, we provide legal training services by holding legal training courses for employees of companies and private and public institutions according to high scientific specifications that accommodate all legal disciplines, using the highest legal competencies.

  • research services

    research services

    research services

    research services

    The office provides legal research services by preparing specialized legal research and studies in various branches of laws and regulations through the Department of Scientific, Sharia and Jurisprudence Research.

  • Insurance and risk management advice

    Insurance and risk management advice

    Insurance and risk management advice

    Insurance and risk management advice

    The commercial and industrial renaissance has led to growth and prosperity in the insurance sector, and insurance awareness has increased among all segments of society. Given the experiences we have gained from theoretical and practical aspects in this field, the office provides its legal services to the insurance sector, to companies and among the most important of these services

  • arbitration




    We are accredited arbitrators, and arbitration is one of the means of dispute resolution and is characterized by speed and flexibility and avoids the parties to the dispute wasting time before the judiciary in the consideration of many cases that end in arbitration, which helps to solve the problem of slow litigation procedures, in addition to saving time, effort and money spent in resolving the dispute by litigation path.

  • Documentation Service

    Documentation Service

    Documentation Service

    Documentation Service

    Agency issuance service, agency termination service, corporate contract documentation service, real estate emptying service


  • Mr. Ahmed bin Mohammed Al-Fada

    Founder and General Manager


    Founder and General Manager



    Mr. Ahmed bin Mohammed Al-FadaFounder and General Manager

    A graduate of King Saud University Law, he practiced legal work ten years ago and is licensed by the Ministry of Justice to practice the legal profession. He provided several legal advice to many companies and pleaded before the judicial authorities in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, including, but not limited to, Sharia courts (General Court, Criminal Court) Commercial and administrative courts at the Board of Grievances, labor bodies (the primary and higher commission), quasi-judicial committees (the Committee for the Resolution of Commercial Paper Disputes), (the Committee for the Resolution of Banking Disputes) and (the Committee for the Resolution of Securities), in addition to his extensive experience in providing advice in the field of Commercial Law. Represented many of the largest companies in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia before the Board of Grievances (Administrative Court / Commercial Chambers) in financial claims cases The lawyer also has extensive knowledge of the Saudi labor system, and his knowledge of the system culminated in extensive experience in pleading before the Labor Office in its (primary / higher) bodies. Certified arbitrator by many companies He provided legal advice in the corporate system, and represented many senior businessmen and companies in cases worth more than one billion Saudi riyals. He provided legal advice in real estate investment funds, and drafted documents for off-plan sales deals - in accordance with Saudi law and Sharia for a number of major real estate companies, whose volume exceeded two billion Saudi riyals. He provided legal advice on corporate law to banks, joint stock companies and the Capital Market Authority, and represented clients in cases worth more than two billion riyals. Provides legal and legal advice in real estate property law. Provides legal advice in the automotive sector, commercial fraud, and trademark registration. Provided legal advice to the Ministry of Justice in the drafting of the law training law regulation.

  • Abdul Rahman bin Thunayan

    Senior legal advisor.


    Senior legal advisor.



    Abdul Rahman bin ThunayanSenior legal advisor.

    He holds a Bachelor's degree in Law from King Saud University in Riyadh. He holds an MA in International Trade Law from Oxford Brookes University. During which he presented many court legal researches on many issues related to commercial law. He worked as a legal advisor to SIDF, where he provided many consultations, especially those related to industrial finance, and he also pleaded with many different judicial authorities.

  • Ali bin Mohammed Al Jadhami

    Lawyer, pleading, and commercial law arbitrator accredited by the Ministry of Justice.


    Lawyer, pleading, and commercial law arbitrator accredited by the Ministry of Justice.


    Arabic / English / French

    Ali bin Mohammed Al JadhamiLawyer, pleading, and commercial law arbitrator accredited by the Ministry of Justice.

    He practiced legal work for more than ten years and during that period he worked as a legal advisor for a group of commercial and real estate companies, specifically in the contracting sector. Relating to arbitration in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

  • Majed Al Ali

    Lawyer and legal advisor


    Lawyer and legal advisor



    Majed Al AliLawyer and legal advisor

    He holds a master's degree in law from Willamette University in the United States of America. He worked for several law firms in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Specializes in drafting contracts and commercial cases.

  • Turki bin Mohammed Al-Lubkhan

    Advocate, and legal advisor.


    Advocate, and legal advisor.



    Turki bin Mohammed Al-LubkhanAdvocate, and legal advisor.

    He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Law from Al-Jouf University in Sakakah. He worked as a judicial advocate at the Ben Saleh Law Firm, in addition to his work as a legal advisor at Al-Babtain’s office. After that, he joined the Al-Fida office, where he works in the litigation and litigation department, in addition to working in the legal advisory department.

  • Abdulwahab Al-Babtain

    Lawyer and legal advisor


    Trainee lawyer



    Abdulwahab Al-BabtainLawyer and legal advisor

    Holds a bachelor's degree in Sharia from Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University. Pleading in front of various sides Litigation from general, commercial and criminal courts, enforcement courts, and higher and first instance bodies to settle labor disputes. Experience in drafting contracts and legal memoranda

  • Omar Abdul Rahim Al-Salami






    Omar Abdul Rahim Al-SalamiCounsel

    He holds a Bachelor's degree in Law, King Abdulaziz University. He received a master's degree from Case Western Reserve University in the United States of America, majoring in studies in American and international law, specializing in international criminal law. During his studies, he presented many research papers in international, criminal and immigration law.

  • Omar Abdullah Al-Sayari

    Lawyer and legal advisor


    Lawyer and legal advisor



    Omar Abdullah Al-SayariLawyer and legal advisor

    He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Law from King Saud University in Riyadh. He worked as a legal advisor for a number of foreign companies in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, specializing in drafting and reviewing contracts and commercial issues.

  • Abdullah Abdulmohsen Al-Abed






    Abdullah Abdulmohsen Al-AbedCounsel

    He holds a Bachelor of Laws from the University of Waikato in New Zealand. He worked as a consultant for a New Zealand company in New Zealand.

  • Abdul Rahman Al Sidr






    Abdul Rahman Al SidrCounsel

    He holds a Bachelor of Laws with grade excellent with honors from the College of Law and Political Science at King Saud University.

  • Abdul Karim bin Khaled Al Muhanna






    Abdul Karim bin Khaled Al MuhannaCounsel

    A legal advisor, he worked on many drafting, reviewing and translating contracts and agreements. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Law from the College of Law and Political Science from King Saud University.

  • Mohammed Shaban






    Mohammed ShabanCounsel

    He holds a Bachelor's degree in Law from the Faculty of Law, Tanta University in the Arab Republic of Egypt. Worked for several law firms in The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is an expert in preparing and drafting response memoranda, case regulations, appeals and petitions for reconsideration, for all cases. Specializes in drafting, studying and reviewing contracts, preparing research, legal reports and partners' decisions.

  • Osama Fahad Al Mutlaq

    Government Relations Officer


    Government Relations Officer



    Osama Fahad Al MutlaqGovernment Relations Officer

  • Nawaf bin Abdullah bin Rashid Al-Hubaish






    Nawaf bin Abdullah bin Rashid Al-HubaishCounsel

    He holds a Bachelor of Laws with first class honors from King Saud University

  • Amjad Salahuddin Ibrahim






    Amjad Salahuddin IbrahimCounsel

    He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Sharia and Law from Omdurman Islamic University He holds an intermediate diploma from Omdurman Islamic University Specializes in various Saudi systems, drafting and preparing contracts, providing legal advice, writing and preparing responses, memos and various regulations.

  • Rayan Yusuf Ali Othman

    Public Relations Officer


    Public Relations Officer



    Rayan Yusuf Ali OthmanPublic Relations Officer

    He graduated from the University of Sudan and worked in many sectors, most notably the Sudanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

  • Awad bin Al-Hab bin Awad Al-Anazi






    Awad bin Al-Hab bin Awad Al-AnaziCounsel

    He holds a BA in Law and Public Affairs from Lassell University in Boston

our partners

We have distinguished experience in the fields of consulting companies, drafting commercial, labor, financing and industrial contracts, following up, supervising, reviewing and scrutinizing contracts of all kinds, and concluding commercial pleadings.
our partners
We have distinguished experience in the fields of consulting companies, drafting commercial, labor, financing and industrial contracts, following up, supervising, reviewing and scrutinizing contracts of all kinds, and concluding commercial pleadings.


  • Foot Anstey Announces Partnership With Ahmed Al Feda Advocates & Legal Consultants In Saudi Arabia

    Foot Anstey Announces Partnership With Ahmed Al Feda Advocates & Legal Consultants In Saudi Arabia

    Foot Anstey Announces Partnership With Ahmed Al Feda Advocates & Legal Consultants In Saudi Arabia

    Foot Anstey Announces Partnership With Ahmed Al Feda Advocates & Legal Consultants In Saudi Arabia

    In line with Foot Anstey's strategy to provide clients with access to the best legal advice worldwide, we have partnered with Ahmed Al Fadda Advocates and Legal Consultants (Al Fadda) in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Working together on cross-border instruction, this partnership will allow us to provide our clients with consistent levels of service in their UK and Saudi operations, using experts from both locations to deliver high quality. advice internationally. Imam Qazi, Partner at Foot Anstey commented: “The Middle East region is a key focus area for Foot Anstey, particularly for the targeted expansion of our Islamic financial practices, corporate practices and private wealth. Our new partnership with Al Fadda provides us with an ideal platform to deepen our relationship with clients operating from or in the Middle East. ” “We are pleased to form a close relationship with Foot Anstey and feel this will help realize our ambitious plans to provide a truly global service to our growing client base,” commented Dr. Mohamed Sweidan, Partner at Al Feda. The relationship between Foot Anstey and Al Fadda makes an important addition to Foot Anstey's existing network of top law firms around the world.


We have distinguished experience in the fields of consulting companies, drafting commercial, labor, financing and industrial contracts, following up, supervising, reviewing and scrutinizing contracts of all kinds, and concluding commercial pleadings.
  • Support and support

    Support and support

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  • Lawyers and experienced

    Lawyers and experienced

    Apply Now

  • Students and recent graduates

    Students and recent graduates

    Apply Now

contact us

Al Taawun District - Imam Saud Road, Al Saif Gallery Building - Floor 1 - Office No. 22 Ahmed Al Feda Lawyers and Legal Consultants Office Lawyer / Ahmed bin Mohammed Al-Fada

00966580930735 - 00966556764224
